Fall Foliage Ride and NextGen Mobility Plan

 Written by Valerie Burnett

On this past cool and blustery Saturday people of all ages and abilities gathered at Sunset Park for the Fall Foliage Bike Ride & Festival.  Discussions about the Next Gen Connectivity & Mobility Plan prompted many to express high hopes for all who walk, bicycle, and take the bus in our region. 

As riders approached the intersection of McKee Street and Park Avenue it triggered conversations about how it is necessary to put a toe or tire out into the road to show drivers their intention to cross.  Without being assertive it can be a very long wait.  One person commented that even though people have the right of way it is not worth being “dead right.”  Another mentioned that a reasonably inexpensive solution might be retractable bollards. 

We traveled through campus working our way to the Blue Course Drive multi-use path with the support of members from the State College Borough Bicycle Ambassadors and CentreBike enabling us to ride through intersections seamlessly and safely.  The very gentle, family friendly ride included plenty of opportunities for us to pause and regroup. 

While breaking in West Campus a few people recollected their excitement at the completion of the 2021 connection between West Campus and the West End Neighborhood.  An article showed a photo of the project. They wished for a map of the whole path.  Suddenly they realized the photo was it, the path in its entirety.  The group chuckled about how the project sounded so much bigger than it was.  Someone summarized it as being a big effort for a little gain.  This caused the discussion to turn to how crucial the Borough’s mobility plan is to provide big efforts that will yield big gains.

Cruising along the topic of affordable housing surfaced.  All those participating in that conversation agreed that transportation and housing fit together hand in hand.  Questions about the CATA driver shortage merged with concerns about whether or not drivers earned a living wage.  That led to some discussion about property maps and why are they not freely available to the public online.  It was mentioned that Robert Zeigler is campaigning on the promise to improve access to property information in Centre County as Recorder of Deeds.  That sure would save STHV members time and effort!

Pedaling back to Sunset Park on an idyllic autumn day we wrapped up the ride with Jasmine Fields, our State College Sustainability Program Officer, and Mayor Ezra Nanes reminding everyone that their input and support is needed regarding the NextGen mobility plan at the upcoming engagement sessions.  Please show up to show your support!


  • Monday, 10/23 @5:30-7:00PM, State College Municipal Building, Council Chambers
  • Tuesday, 10/24 @12:00-2:00PM, Eric J Barron Innovation Hub, Room 612
  • Tuesday, 10/24 @4:00-5:30PM, State College Area High School
  • Wednesday, 10/25 @6:30-8:00PM, State College Municipal Building, Council Chambers

Pop-up Session: 

  • Wednesday, 10/25 @12:00-2:00PM, Allen Street Gates


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